Manhood, Marriage,  & Mission

FIGHT PLAN is a Christian organization that was created to help men become the husbands, fathers, and Spiritual Leaders that God has called them to be with a convenient online platform.  Due to the pandemic and other challenges with meeting in person we have created unlimited online access to all of our training. Through donations we are able to offer training that other professionals charge thousands of dollars for FREE to our community. Our faith based approach is based in the bible and enables you to start transforming your life from your couch. We believe that teaching men how to fight for God's power and purpose in their life with a step by step easy to follow approach, we can positively transform families and the generations that follow. 
How we allocate our donations

Our Proposed Spending for 2020

  • GIVING: Our Mission is to empower men to help families so we also want to support the next generation. Instead of trying to recreate a robust way of doing this we are partnering with a nonprofit that is already successful in serving this demographic. We have chosen to support To Give A Smile which is a faith based organization that does medical missions around the world. (Goal 10%)
  • GROWTH: We are committed to transforming the lives of 1 million men and families. To do this we will need staff members who believe in our mission. Although we have chosen to invest in people instead of buildings every companies greatest cost are its employees. (Goal 25%)
  • MISSION: Programs and Services we provide come at a great cost. We believe that our message will reach millions through a wide array of FREE services that we offer. (Goal 65%)
a message from dr. telford ammons
There are many ways to support a nonprofit organization like Fight Plan. First and foremost we ask that you pray. 

We need people to agree with us in prayer that God's mission through Fight Plan will be successful.

 Secondly, we need partners. People who are willing to SHARE our message and DONATE to our cause.

Prayerfully consider how you can help us complete the mission that God has set for us.

Thank you,

Dr. Telford Ammons
"The Fight Plan Pastor"


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Dr. Telford Ammons the Founder of FIGHT PLAN