The T.E.A.M. Method - The FIGHT PLAN Foundation

(Text version is available under the video)


  • One of the best things you can do is believe what God thinks about you.
  • Using the TEAM method will help you identify the lies, God’s word will help you replace it with the truth.


Identify 3 limiting/ negative beliefs that have taken root and use the team method to see how they have affected your emotions and actions. Next find God’s truth or what he is saying about this thought and replace the lie or negative belief. Pray and ask God for guidance.

The T.E.A.M. Method - The FIGHT PLAN Foundation (text version)

In 1997 the Chicago Bulls were playing the Utah Jazz on a Sunday night in the finals. Many believed the Bulls were unstoppable. The game was tied with 9 seconds left and Karl the “mailman” Malone was about to shoot two free throws to give them a 3-2 series lead. Scottie Pippen walked behind Malone, a 75% free throw shooter and whispered, “the mailman doesn’t deliver on Sundays”. The mailman didn’t deliver and missed both shots. Michael got the ball with 7 seconds left and the rest is history. The Bulls went on to win their 5th Championship in 7 years.
Pippen, attributed with the greatest one liner in NBA history, believes his comment got into the head of Karl Malone, making him believe he couldn’t beat the Bulls.

The most important conversation you will have will be the one in your head. The thoughts you think about yourself can lead you to have unlimited potential like Michael Jordan who won 6 championships, or have limiting beliefs when everything is on the line like Karl Malone who retired without ever winning one.
What is the T.E.A.M. Method?

Have you ever thought about your thinking? You should, the conversation in your head determines what you believe.
The T.E.A.M. Method is the way by which we make every decision subconsciously. It's like breathing. It’s a process that is working whether we think about it or not. So let’s break it down.

TEAM = Thinking, Emotions, Actions, Management

The T is for Thinking.

Our thoughts come from God, the enemy, and what we perceive internally, and externally. It's the realm where we are the most influenced. What you think matters.

E is for emotions.

The thoughts you have elicit emotions. In other words what you think about something makes you feel a certain way. It’s like being in a relationship and you think your partner is cheating. Even if they are not it doesn’t change the way you feel until you stop believing they are cheating on you.

A is for action.

When you feel happy you smile, or when you feel upset you frown. If you feel like you hurt your spouse’s feelings, hopefully you apologize. Your emotions manifest into physical action.

M is for management.

This is the most important component of the framework. This is the process of how we assign the thoughts we have. Do we choose to believe it and receive it or do we dismiss it as false.


The story of Gideon in Judges chapter 6 is a great example of the T.E.A.M. Method. The Israelites lived in fear of the Midianites who constantly raided them stealing food and animals for seven years. Outnumbered they could not fight back. The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and called him a mighty soldier and sent him to fight the Midianites.

T for Thinking - What was Gideon Thinking?

Judges 6:15 In response to the Angel of the Lord, Gideon said that his family is the poorest in his tribe and he is the least in his family. Here Gideon is thinking that he is a weak person, has a low self-worth, and unqualified to fight and be a “mighty soldier”.

E for Emotions - How did Gideon’s thinking make him feel?

Judges 6:11 the scripture states that Gideon was doing his work while hiding from the Midianites. Due to his belief of being weak and not a soldier, he was very fearful of the enemy. He hid while he did his work. Simply put because of the atmosphere of oppression and what he believed about himself Gideon lived in a constant state of fear.

A for Actions - How did Gideon respond to the Angel of the Lord.

Judges 6:12 the dialogue begins with Gideon and the Angel from the Lord. Gideon is told by the Angel that he is a mighty warrior and the Lord is with him. Gideon responds by disagreeing and questioning the Angel. At this point he fears the enemy more than receiving a message of God from an Angel. He asks for several proofs to validate the word from God. Moreover Gideon’s fear causes him not to believe God, to question the instructions and to request multiple proofs to come to a decision on how he will proceed.
M for Management - Will Gideon believe the Angel?

Up to this point Gideon has been making fear based decisions and has to decide if he will believe the word of God or what he believes about himself.
Let’s look at the story of Paul the apostle in the bible and see how the T.E.A.M. Method was in operation with him.


T for Thinking - What was Saul’s thoughts toward the Christians?

In Acts 9 we find that Saul is angry with the Christians. Saul is a Pharisee and his group believes the Christians are in opposition to God and their long standing traditions. He believes that the Christian “rebellion” must be put down.

E for Emotions - How did Paul’s belief about Christians make him feel?

Saul was angry in Acts chapter 7 it states that Stephen was stoned and Paul approved of the stoning. He felt that not enough was being done to thwart this resistance.

A for Action - Saul was angry what action did he decide to take?

Acts 9:1 Saul went to the high priest and demanded letters granting him authority to imprison any Christians he found.

M is for management - Will Saul continue to persecute Christians?

Saul has an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Will he listen to God or his own beliefs about the Christians? He has to decide.
How can we as Christian Men use this to defeat complacency in our lives?

Looking at the examples of Gideon and Saul of Tarsus it is easy to see how their thoughts lead to emotions and were followed by actions. When you have a deep understanding of this method and understand how people act on what they believe to make any lasting change it happens in the management process. During “M” or the management process is when the decision is made to accept or reject the thought. How we manage our thoughts dictate what we believe and our future.

Saul of Tarsus believed the Christians were destroying the traditions which led to mass persecutions. Gideon didn’t initially believe the angel because of what he believed about himself.
But here is the good news, in the bible 2 Corinthians 10 verse 4 tells us “we have divine power to demolish strongholds. What does this mean? It means we can destroy strong ways of thinking in our life. The scripture goes on to say we can demolish every argument, take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
Would you like some practical advice on how to get this done in your life today?
Hopefully now you can see that the lies we believe are damaging to us and those around us. Think about it. Who would want Saul to persecute Christians, and Gideon to not believe the Angel? The enemy, that's right. We have to remember he is a defeated foe, and to stand against him we use the only offense weapon from Ephesians 6:17 which is the sword of the spirit, the word of God. Pastor Ben Daley in Dallas, Texas would always say to defeat the lies of the enemy you have to “out truth him'' using God’s word.
So when you receive thoughts or the conversation in your head begins you have to assess every thought and determine where it comes from.This is where you take your thoughts captive.

Step 1. Recognize this is a thought.

Throughout the day we have many thoughts that pop into our heads. The problem is that we have no defense system or filter to recognize that it’s just a thought. When we do not properly filter these thoughts we in effect let life happen to us. Meaning when the thought comes it leads to changes in our emotions and actions. Satan is using his influence in your mind to wage war against you. Television, and marketing firms also understand this principle. They are hoping they can inject their thoughts and ideas into your head to make you buy.

Step 2. Ask yourself, where did this thought come from, and why are you thinking it.

This is how you begin to filter the thoughts that are coming into your mind. Is the thought from the enemy, do you have hidden unforgiveness and a thought has risen to the surface. Were you watching a commercial about food which made you hungry? Is God speaking to you? Most times when you know where a thought originates from and why you are thinking it will help you easily decide how to proceed.

Step 3. Ask yourself, is this true?

If we use this filter it will prevent us from a lot of pain, mistakes, brokenness, and bad choices. Before we accept a thought and allow it dictate our emotions and actions we have to make sure if the thought is true or not. Should you invest in this thought and let it play out or dismiss it.

Step 4. Apply God’s word .

Our thinking has to line up with the word of God. Scripture states that we have to make every thought obedient to Christ. Meaning our truth is what God says through his word. Anything that doesn’t line up with God’s word must be discarded.
Remember the parable in Matthew 13:24 where a farmer had sowed good seed in his field, and his enemy came while he slept and planted weeds to destroy his field. The work done by the enemy was revealed when it was about time to harvest and the weeds were shown in the field. This is similar to our enemy Satan who wants to plant thoughts and influence your thinking while you are unaware to cause future trouble and anguish.


This reminds me of my first year as a hobby farmer. I was very excited to plant peas for the first time. As the seeds split and began to grow my rows of vegetables began to take off. I was very excited until it came closer to harvest time and I realized that not only was I nurturing my plants but also the weeds. I was unable to identify the weeds from the onset and did not know I had a problem. The next planting season as soon as the seeds and they began to sprout I removed the weeds in seconds. Upon appearing in the garden I identified them and removed them which produced a greater harvest.
Sitting in the garden I began to weep. For the first time I had a deep intimate understanding of how important these parables were to the people to which they were spoken and how much they mean today.
Satan the enemy in the parable tries to plant weeds or today attempts to influence us with thoughts that will lead to brokenness and misfortune if not filtered properly and uprooted. His tactic is to plant the weeds or thoughts while we are asleep or unaware so if we are unable to identify them, filter them and discard them. Just like in my second planting season now that I use the TEAM method properly I can manage the thoughts I receive and discard what is not meant to grow in my mind and take root to become emotions and actions later.
In the stories of Gideon and Saul of Tarsus they both came to a point where they accepted what God said and discarded the lie from the enemy. By accepting God’s truth they used this information to replace the lie they believed with God’s truth allowing new thoughts to base their emotions and actions which were within God’s will for their life.

SIDE NOTE: If you have ever had a desire to walk in God’s purpose for your life start believing and living our God’s word letting it show through the TEAM method.

Gideon finally believed the angel after receiving several confirmations through tests. This led him to feel as though God was with him and that they could defeat the midianites. Gideon raised an army that was later reduced by God which ultimately led to the victory of the Israelites. Saul of Tarsus who later became known as Paul had an encounter with Jesus on his way to imprison Christians on the road to Damascus. Paul saw and believed. He accepted Jesus at his word, changed his heart, and committed following Christ until his death. He went from persecuting Christians to writing and influencing a majority of the new testament.

I learned in my garden as a farmer when identifying weeds and discarding them, I can do the same with thoughts from the enemy with the TEAM method. When we can guard and protect our mind from evil, we can spend more time, and energy nurturing the thoughts that God gives us. My wife today is amazed how I am unfazed by most things. I am convinced of what God thinks about me and his plans for me. When thoughts do not line up with the word of God, I discard them and only allow thoughts obedient to the word of God in my life. If we do this, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm”.


1. One of the best things you can do is believe what God thinks about you.

2. Using the TEAM method will help you identify the lies, God’s word will help you replace it with the truth.


1. Identify 3 limiting/ negative beliefs that have taken root and use the team method to see how they have affected your emotions and actions. Next find God’s truth or what he is saying about this thought and replace the lie or negative belief. Pray and ask God for guidance.